How Sweet Is Your Cat? Feline Diabetes

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), diabetes affects more than 25.8 million people in the United States. This condition leads to heart disease, strokes and is a leading cause of death. Sadly, as our four legged companions mirror what’s happening to us, some pets, especially our cats, are at increasingly high risk for this disease.

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Rehab is FAB for Pets

After an injury or illness, helping animals return to normal activity has always been the veterinarian’s main goal and any new therapy is welcome. Animal health professionals have learned from human physical therapists in order to help animal patients recover more quickly. So let’s take a quick look at the world of Pet Physical Rehabilitation!

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DNA Tests for Pets Help Us Understand Genetic Disease

Our understanding of diseases in people and pets has progressed from thinking that illness was caused by evil spirits to the current knowledge of microbes. Even further, the Human Genome Project has shown us the very molecular basis of conditions like cystic fibrosis or breast cancer. Does this information help our pets too?

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