Search and Rescue Dogs – Canine Heroes!

From urban rubble to mountain avalanches, human victims of disaster often find themselves trapped and unable to call out for help. Even young children and the elderly can wander from home, only to end up lost and far away. Thankfully, man’s best friend comes to our aid yet again. There is a special brand of canine hero- the Search and Rescue Dog!

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The Confusing World of Pet Parasite Prevention

Most dog and cat owners understand the importance of keeping their pets safe from deadly parasites, like heartworms and intestinal worms. But, our stores are now being flooded with generic products and these new brands are creating confusion. In addition, some of the other, better known products, have disappeared leaving everyone even more confused. Exactly what parasite control products should you be using for your pets?

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The Silent Epidemic Affecting Our Pets

Our pets are in the middle of a disastrous epidemic and, sadly, many owners are not even aware of the situation. Veterinarians are reporting increasing numbers of overweight and obese pets. So, what’s the cure for this nationwide problem?

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Pet Poisonings Often Happen At Home.

Although scary headlines about evil people leaving antifreeze laced treats lying around are commonplace, most pets who encounter any sort of poison do so in their very own home. How serious is this situation and what can you do to prevent a poison mishap in your house?

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Feeding Bones is an Expensive Gamble.

No matter if it’s a brand new puppy or a senior citizen dog, pet owners love to spoil their canine friends with bones. After all, what’s more natural than a dog with a bone? But veterinarians warn that feeding bones is a gamble that could end up creating a very unnatural veterinary bill!

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