High Tech Vision Looks Deep Into Your Pets Mouth!

Keeping up with your pet’s oral health care can seem time consuming and often does not get done. But, good dental care, including brushing your pet’s teeth and regular professional cleanings at the veterinary office, can help prevent serious and expensive problems. And now, there’s one more high tech tool that help veterinarians find and solve these all too common pet dental problems!

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Jerky Treats for Pets Continue to Cause Problems

For almost five years, the Food and Drug Administration has warned pet owners and veterinarians about concerns with “jerky treats” for dogs. Over this time reports of pets with kidney failure, diarrhea and other illnesses have started to pour into the FDA’s offices and the situation has even garnered Congressional concern. What’s the whole story and how will you keep your pets safe?

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Lost Pets, High Tech Returns

As much as we think our pets would never leave our side, millions of animals do end up wandering away from their homes every year. Some will rejoin their families, thanks to high tech identification like microchips, but many end up in shelters, some go to new homes and a few are even taken for illegal activities. What can you do to make sure your pet comes home safely?

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Summer Heat Hits The Ozarks – Pet Heat Stroke Tips

Summertime!  Finally, your chance to relax and unwind!  With your sunblock, sunglasses and a good book, you plan to enjoy the day at the pool! Suddenly, you remember your dog is in the yard – unsupervised …surely he will be okay for a couple hours.  Or will he?

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