Does your pet suffer from secondhand smoke?

In the past 45 years, the number of smokers in the United States has decreased to less than 20% of the population and almost 70% of those current smokers want to kick the habit. Could an understanding of how secondhand smoke affects our pets help encourage more people to quit?

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Who Cleans Your Teeth?

Brushing your pet’s teeth is something many of us never think about doing. Even owners who know the benefits of home dental care often forget or brush so infrequently that it never helps. A new fad that removes tartar from your pet’s teeth without the use of anesthetics has increased in popularity among pet owners. Can these “standing dentals” really help your animal’s oral health?

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Consider A Trust Fund for your Pet

Losing a pet to injury, illness or even just old age is never easy for the owner, but have you ever thought about the reverse? What happens to your pets if you are suddenly unable to care for them or if you pass away? We all hear stories of celebrities leaving millions to their pets, but are these acts legal and how can you help insure your pets’ continued care?

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Cats Often Overlooked for Veterinary Care

Poet Jean Burden once said that a cat “is still only a whisker away from the wilds” and for many cat enthusiasts, this is the exact reason they love their self-sufficient felines. But for all of our professed affection for these animals, our cats aren’t seen by veterinarians nearly as often as our dogs. Is it because we value dogs more highly or are there other reasons for this inequity?

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Protecting Your Pet’s Vision – The Eye Specialists!

It’s been said that “eyes are the windows to the soul” and certainly when you look into the eyes of your beloved pets, you can see the affection and loyalty reflected there. Unfortunately, some owners look deep into their pet’s eyes and see problems. When your pet’s vision is at stake, veterinary ophthalmologists stand ready to take action!

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