Wildfires Rage in Colorado and New Mexico – Pet Safety

Each year, across large portions of North America, wildfires burn hundreds of thousands of acres and threaten people, pets and wildlife. Despite evacuation warnings and the best efforts of fire personnel, occasionally our pets are injured by flames and smoke. What can you do when faced with one of these raging infernos? More importantly, are you prepared for an injury or burn to your pets or livestock?

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Generic Pet Drugs…Good or Bad for Your Pets?

Walk down any drug store aisle and you will see various store brand medications alongside the nationally known brand name products. These generic drugs are big business in human pharmacies and now some drug manufacturers have set their sights on a new market…generic medications for our pets. Should you be concerned about the safety or effectiveness of these drugs?

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How Sweet Is Your Cat? Feline Diabetes

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), diabetes affects more than 25.8 million people in the United States. This condition leads to heart disease, strokes and is a leading cause of death. Sadly, as our four legged companions mirror what’s happening to us, some pets, especially our cats, are at increasingly high risk for this disease.

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DNA Tests for Pets Help Us Understand Genetic Disease

Our understanding of diseases in people and pets has progressed from thinking that illness was caused by evil spirits to the current knowledge of microbes. Even further, the Human Genome Project has shown us the very molecular basis of conditions like cystic fibrosis or breast cancer. Does this information help our pets too?

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Sleeping with Pets…Deadly Nightmare or Sweet Dreams?

The headline screamed “Sleeping with Your Pets Is A Deadly Risk”. Reading on, the article described several zoonotic diseases and parasites that have potential for causing human illness. But, did the media sensationalize this issue? How can you tell when an animal health story is urgent or when it’s been exaggerated for media effect?

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