Lost Pets, High Tech Returns

As much as we think our pets would never leave our side, millions of animals do end up wandering away from their homes every year. Some will rejoin their families, thanks to high tech identification like microchips, but many end up in shelters, some go to new homes and a few are even taken for illegal activities. What can you do to make sure your pet comes home safely?

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Looking for the Right Pet Food – Part II

It’s been said that along with genetics and environment, nutrition plays a crucial role in the overall health of your pets. But, whether it’s due to excessive marketing or simply confusion, most pet owners don’t give much thought to that bag of pet food they purchase from the grocery store or pet store. Are there ways to find better food for our four-legged friends?

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Pet Foods Part 1 – Myth Busting!

Deciding which pet food is “best” for your dog or cat is often an exercise fraught with confusion and a fair amount of misinformation. Advocates can be found for “grain-free” diets, homemade foods or even natural, organic and “whole food” formulations. To make matters worse, a host of pet nutrition myths are rampant on the Internet. What’s the truth and what’s not when it comes to pet nutrition?

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Summer Heat Hits The Ozarks – Pet Heat Stroke Tips

Summertime!  Finally, your chance to relax and unwind!  With your sunblock, sunglasses and a good book, you plan to enjoy the day at the pool! Suddenly, you remember your dog is in the yard – unsupervised …surely he will be okay for a couple hours.  Or will he?

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